
Friday, May 04, 2007

Tesha Miller and bail

I was pleased to see the JCF being proactive and arresting Clansman gang leader Tesha Miller as soon as he landed in the island after being deported from the US. I did wonder though, how the fuck did someone who was arrested and charged for a triple murder, got bail, and was arrested and charged with murder AGAIN, get bail AGAIN??? Is it just me, or is there something seriously wrong with that picture?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that suspects should be denied bail, but c'mon!! Arrested for a total of four murders and still granted bail??? Parliament needs to start looking at these issues and fixing them instead of bickering and grandstanding. The police force has its shortcomings, but the blame for this one lays squarely at the feet of the politicians. They have the power to amend the Bail Act and should do so, as well as whatever else they can to help the JCF overcome the challenges they face. Portia, the time you and Omar spent figuring out where the fuck you're going to find $250 million a year to finance free health care for minors (probably by increasing the user fees for adults, no such thing as a free lunch) could have been spent identifying outdated laws that desperately need amending and starting dialogue with the relevant parties on the fastest way to initiate those changes.

It would get you more votes than dishing out 1000 lbs of chicken back and rice ever could. And guess what? It would be something that actually helps the country. Imagine that!

Waste not, want not

It seems as if someone's finally getting serious about holding people accountable for littering, which, by the way, is one of my pet peeves. The National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) has started a new programme aimed at reducing the number of litterbugs and increasing public awareness on the topic. I think it's good idea and am curious to know how they plan to scale the program and how they track the people who've been warned instead of ticketed.
I'm a bit concerned about this aspect of the program - if someone doesn't have an ID or the warnings aren't tracked then how will the officers ensure compliance? Come to think of it, how do they ticket people without ID?

One can only hope that all these challenges were resolved before the programme was rolled out and that the program will be a success.