
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The shutdown

The shutdown planned today by the PSOJ "to register the concern of the business sector over the deterioration of law and order in the country" is too little, too late. The call for the shutdown, coming as it did a few days after the brutal murder of two May Pen businessmen, seems more like a reflex reaction to murders so close to home than a genuine concern for the safety of the people of Jamaica. This, coupled with the apparent inability of the PSOJ and other entities to bring pressure to bear on politicians who sit in the front pews of area leaders' funerals to resign, area leaders whom many say were directly related to the crime which the PSOJ claims to be condemning, makes this gesture by the PSOJ woefully inadequate.

What is needed is not just a half-day lockdown, but a 24 hour shutdown of all businesses, schools, factories and churches. A march on the Prime Minister's office. A more vocal PSOJ, more vocal social entities. Vocal not only when one of their own is killed, but when any Jamaican, rich or poor, is murdered. The time for cozying up to the ineffective political and social leadership of this country is over.


Anonymous said...

Nigel even though i see the point you are trying to make, you need to also need to look at the bigger picture and that is that many people have died needlessly atthe hands of criminals in this country. Whether the driver for this strance is the death of two prominent business men or not is beside the point the fact is that they have taken a stance to protest.
The very same poor people that you speak out so loudly for have been looking criminals and crimes in the face for a long time and have not organised to make their voices heard on the matter.
Yes it maybe that if the crime had not touched the glass house there would neverhave been a protest. But thank God there is a protest.
Thank God someone has decided to speak.

Anonymous said...

I am in agreement with the first comment stating, "Whether the driver for this stance is the death of two prominent business men or not is beside the point the fact is that they have taken a stance to protest." The PSOJ's protest was and for want of a better word, lacking. It should have outlined plans for dealing with the current crime situation. Plans, which Ms. Lopez had said was given to the government and nothing has been done yet. Suggestions should have been given on what they are willing to do with/without government intervention.

The protest should urge those who have sat on the sidelines (for too long) to come forward and try to effect change esp. the other members of the PSOJ who were not in support of "The Shutdown". Its a step in the right direction. Lets see where it takes us.