
Monday, October 15, 2007

Mike Henry's visit to Mobay

He came, he saw, and there's no money in the budget so it looks like we'll be stuck in traffic for a loooong time. Thanks Omar!

1 comment:

gabby said...

lol..quite funny in deed..but i am sure Mr Henry is proud of himself, beside he did come and visit and yes his response is of no surprise..nothing will be done anytime soon to lessen the traffic woes faced by motorist passing the howard cooke highway from any the question goes back to your original posting..who plans..who organize..who lead and control..obviously not effective individuals who would have been able to ensure the residents in the community of Bogue and the surrounding areas be able to go and come freely from work and school daily..all the best as you continue to voice your opinions and hope for a change for a better Montego Bay and hopefully a better Jamaica.